Top Maintenance Services at LaCava Brothers Auto Parts Store
Did you know that you can get free services performed at your local Fall River auto parts and services center? In addition to all of the paid professional services and supplies that we offer, we also offer some free services that you can use to your advantage. Our team can also provide you with affordable…
When to Install New Brake Pads and Get Rotor Turning Services
If you don’t know a lot about cars and trucks or the way that they work, it can be difficult to know how often you need to do preventative maintenance or make certain repairs. Fortunately, there are certain repairs and services that make it obvious to the car owner that they need to be done.…
Hydraulic Hose Services: Preventive Maintenance in Fall River
The goal of getting hydraulic hose services is to prevent actual failure of hydraulic hoses. Failure never happens at a good time and it never happens at a convenient time. To avoid dangerous consequences, it is important to learn how to check your hydraulic hoses and get them serviced and replaced as needed. Your hydraulic…
Yes, You Can Do It at LaCava Brothers Auto Parts Store in MA
Not everyone on the planet is handy with auto repairs, but fortunately, there are some repairs that even a novice can do if they have the right tools, the right parts and a little bit of encouragement from their local auto parts store. If you are in the market for car parts and accessories, check…
Top Issues Experienced by Car Owners with Windshield Wipers
One of the most overlooked parts on a vehicle are the windshield wipers. As car owners, we don’t think about them until we need them, and by then it’s often too late. While windshield wipers are totally taken for granted, they become extremely important as soon as the first downpour of the season hits or…
Smart Shopping Tips for Buying Auto Parts in Triverton, RI
It can sometimes be overwhelming trying to purchase the right type of car parts and accessories without feeling like you are being taken advantage of by the salesperson or shop. One way to ensure that you always get quality service and great advice is to visit LaCava Brothers Auto Parts and Supply in Fall River.…
Preventative Maintenance of Hydraulic Hoses in Westport, MA
LaCava Brothers auto parts store provides a wide variety of professional quality parts and services to our customers throughout the Southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island area. We have over 70 years of experience working with our local customers, providing everything from Fall River, MA car parts to hydraulic hoses in Westport, our customer service and…
Attention Fall River: Do You Have Disc Brakes or Drum Brakes?
Before you can do any type of work on your vehicle, such as install new brake pads or contact LaCava Brothers Auto Supply for rotor turning services or other types of Fall River auto parts and services relating to your brakes, you need to know what type of brakes you have. There are two primary…
Getting the Right Car Parts at the Auto Supply in Fall River, Southeastern Mass.
When you do work on your vehicle, it is important to make sure that you get the right automotive parts and service in Fall River to ensure that everything is running as it should. You need to know a little bit about your vehicle before you come down to LaCava Brothers Auto Supply to purchase…
Drivers in Fall River, MA – How to Know When to Install New Brake Pads
One of the most important pieces of safety equipment on your vehicle – whether car, truck, motorcycle or recreational – is your brakes. This is especially true in the northeast where the weather can quickly turn on you like the drop of a hat! Learning to identify when it’s time to install new brake pads,…
Hydraulic Hose Services in Fall River: Why They Are Important
Regardless of the type of system or mechanics that you rely on for your job or for your own personal safety, having a preventative maintenance program is an essential part of vehicle ownership. Preventative maintenance for hydraulic hoses and hose systems can provide you with many advantages, help you to safely operate your vehicles and…
Fall River Drivers: 3 Basic Auto Repairs You Can Do Yourself
In recent years, more and more car owners have tried to do at least the basic auto repairs for themselves. Your local auto parts store can help you by providing you with all of the car parts and accessories you need to keep your vehicle running as it should. LaCava Auto Parts has been providing…