LaCava Auto Professional Rotor Turning Services in Fall River

Fall River rotor turning servicesIf you are looking to save money or maximize the value of your Fall River auto parts and services, you might want to find out if your rotors are eligible for turning. If you are new to rotor turning services, you can learn more by speaking with our team at LaCava Auto Parts. In addition to complimentary services, such as free battery testing in Fall River and free installation of windshield wipers to customers who purchase a pair, we also offer professional rotor turning services. This can be a valuable service to car owners who are concerned about the high cost of doing a brake job, helping to save a bit of money on parts and accessories typically required for this type of work. The most important thing is to get services that you can trust to ensure your vehicle will run safely to protect you and your passengers.

What is Rotor Turning?

Even if you are new to doing a brake job, it is essential to understand that there are four primary types of brake rotors. There are rotors that are blank and smooth, as well as others that are drilled, slotted, or drilled and slotted. Most of the passenger cars on the road today are equipped with the first type, the blank and smooth. You can see them for yourself when you remove your tires to do any type of brake work or seasonal tire changes. The name really suits these auto parts, as you will notice that they feature a blank metal surface around the rotor area. The other types of rotors are designed to accommodate the particular needs of the vehicle. Drilled rotors have holes that are designed to reduce the surface area to prevent friction from affecting the stopping power. The other types also have features designed to enhance performance.

Rotor turning services provide the vehicle owner with a way to machine the existing rotors to remove any brake material that might have transferred from the brake pads. It is crucial to have this done by a professional who is experienced in Fall River auto parts and services. Rotor turning prevents warping and grinding from occurring, and it can be done every other brake change, as long as it is safe to do so. Professional mechanics will be able to tell you whether your rotors are in good enough condition for turning services. If they are worn down too far, they should be replaced. One way to get an idea for yourself is to look at the rotors. If they show any signs of being worn out, they should probably be replaced right away. Heavy rust, grooves, and scoring in the metal – these are all visual signs of damage that will likely necessitate replacement.

When Do I Need a Brake Job?

If you get your tires rotated at the dealership or have a professional oil change done regularly on schedule, your mechanic will likely tell you when your brakes are wearing down so you’ll know when to change them. If you are doing your own auto repair at home, it is essential to learn what to look for that will help you know when this work needs to be done. If your ABS light comes on, you feel any vibrating when braking or hear weird screeching sounds when braking, it is likely that your brake pads have already worn entirely down, and damage is now being done to the rotors. At this point, you probably won’t be eligible for rotor turning services. Learn how to identify when your brake pads are wearing out so you can do the work before any damage is done.

Stop by LaCava Auto Parts to get all of your Greater Fall River auto parts and services for brakes, oil changes, and anything else you need to repair, replace, or maintain. Located on Bedford Street, we have proudly served the local community for more than 70 years. Ask about our rotor turning services and take advantage of free battery testing in Fall River to make sure your vehicle is running effectively and efficiently. We can assist you in finding all of the parts, tools, and products you need to do just about any type of automotive repair or service. Call our team at 508-676-1951 or stop by anytime during store hours to speak with one of our knowledgeable customer service agents.